Hi there, thank you for visiting our website and for your interest in Solo Swimmer. Firstly, let me introduce myself, my name is Martin Hobbs and I am not crazy.

Let me explain why?

A few years ago I underwent a spinal fusion operation for fractured disks in my back. This was not only painful but it put an end to my trials biking (something that was very dear to me). This took me to a very low point, it was devastating. Having been an SA Clubman Regional and Nationals champ, I was now told I wouldn't be able to ride again. Not one to sit around feeling sorry for myself and knowing there were people in worse off situations, I set off to find out what other sports were out there for people recovering from my op. This is when I was introduced to swimming. Not only was it a very beneficial sport for recovery, but I found it to be just the competitive sport I was looking for.

Not even a year later, my wife and I entered our first Midmar Mile. It's funny to look back at it now, how much we stressed so much about getting to the other side- it took hours of training, carbo loading and many many practice swims to get us there and all the stress wasn't necessary. We finished in great times and we are now both heading for our 6th Midmar years in 2019 and it will be my daughter Jess's 2nd one next year (we are very proud). In 2018 I completed my first 8 Mile at Midmar. This is what made me wonder "What is next?". I couldn't complete the 16 Mile, my stroke isn't fast enough to finish in the allotted times and I needed a challenge to look forward to.

This brings me to Lake Malawi. It is the longest, straightest length that we could find for an open water swim. Yes, I have been asked about Crocodiles, Hippo's, Bilharzia and Malaria, hopefully the precautions we have taken will be enough. They are definitely not enough of a hindrance though to not swim. We will try our hardest to keep you updated. I hope you will enjoy being a part of my crazy journey with me.

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